The Eureka & Golden City Hockey Club will follow the recommended guidelines provided by Hockey Ballarat and Hockey Victoria to enable a return to play hockey in 2020.
Training Sessions​ from July 15th
Wednesday Nights
As we commence games for the 2020 season we need to change our training times due to pitch availability.
The new training times are all back to Wednesday nights starting Wednesday 15th July
U11 at 6pm-6.45pm
U14 at 6pm-6.45pm
U16 at 7pm-7.45pm
Senior Women at 7pm-7.45pm
Senior Men at 8pm-8.45pm
Key Points to Remember
Everyone who trains MUST be registered with Hockey Victoria. There is now a discounted rate, and this also covers players for the rest of the calendar year. Once registered, EGC is informed and that helps us control and organise valuable training sessions.
Please ensure social distancing measures are maintained.
If you have or have been in contact with someone who has symptoms or have any symptoms within the last 14 days, you are asked not to attend the club for your training session.
Members who have tested positive for COVID-19 will be asked not to attend the Club until such time as a medical certificate provides confirmation the member has satisfactorily recovered.
There is no access to venue at any time unless attending a sanctioned training or involved in sanctioned work. This means no casual use of ground, no jumping fence or using a known key for unofficial trainings.
Access to POW facility will be via one point only. Entry will be via the alleyway between clubrooms and changeroom buildings. The only exit will be via pedestrian gate located on Aquatic Centre side of club rooms.
Upon arrival at POW Park all entrants must sign in at entry to the venue.
Training will be 20 players plus 1 coach plus 1 assistant coach per half pitch: North Group (Croquet end) and South Group (Aquatic Centre end)
All players to get ready in the car with shin pads etc on before entry. Players are discouraged from bringing bags or kit into POW. Where possible leave in car and be ready to play. Goalies with gear will be allowed in 20 minutes early to kit up.
Sharing of equipment is not permitted ,including but not limited to: Hockey sticks, shin pads, masks, mouthguards.
Coaches must wipe down all shared equipment (eg hats and balls) with sanitiser at the end of each training session.
Bibs must not be used (players to bring their own alternate tops)
Training drills must be designed with social distancing measures in place
Wherever possible, parents/guardians are encouraged to remain in their cars while waiting for their children. Parents and guardians that remain with their children during participation, will be considered part of the group up to 10 people, unless they are formally coaching or instructing the activity.
No high fives, handshakes, spitting or contact.
Once the session concludes, training participants should leave POW park immediately, directly to the car park using the designated exit gate. No lingering or hanging out within confines of POW park and outside in carpark. Please observe social distancing requirements including group numbers and 1.5 m spacing at all times